Monday, October 16, 2017

Thursday October 19th, 2017.

Thursday October 19th, 2017

Please watch and study the videos below about subject pronouns or personal pronouns and possessive adjectives.

Please watch this video for the subject pronouns or personal pronouns.

1.  Subject Pronouns or Personal Pronouns

Please watch this video about possessive adjectives

2.  Possessive Adjectives

Practice the Subject Pronouns or Personal Pronouns and the Possessive Adjectives in the exercises below.
Click on the link for each practice exercise.

3.  Personal Pronouns or Subject Pronouns

4.  Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives questions

5.  personal-pronouns or Subject pronoun exercises

6.  possessive-exercises 1

7.  possessive-adjectives-exercises 2

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